Member-only story
What Do You Actually Care About?
Vs: What You’re Told to Care About.
Lately we are either too pummeled or too guarded to feel. We are inundated with causes and crises — told what we better care about — and it’s all urgent. And it’s all a bunch of “Shoulds” — and even if we do care — we have compassion fatigue because there are so many crises that we know we can’t fix, not even in our tiny personal lives We don’t even know where to start.
Here is a challenge. If you werent told what you should care about by outside forces….what would you care about? Can you say? Do you remember? Because when you really do some soul searching, what you really value might not be the 2020 Election or the corona virus — and THAT’S OKAY!
Roll up your sleeves and fasten your seatbelts. And find your way back to your beating, unjaded heart. Let’s do this. First….
HOME TEST: If you want to find out what you care about, test your emotions around it. If thinking or talking about it evokes strong emotions — you place value on it. You care. Something evoking intense emotions…is intensely significant to you. No matter how petty.
If you got a nasty email that was more about the person who wrote it and less about you, and you are agitated, defensive, angry, scared….you either care about that person’s opinion, or you care about not being liked. If you remove the importance of pleasing everyone at all times…you are free from it. Be willing for your fears to come true, and it takes the power out of the fear. This is when…