Member-only story
When The Show Didn’t Go On.
The only “Covid” Day I Will Remember.
March 12, 2020. Today marks the 1 Year Anniversary of the only day I will remember from 2020 til I die. As I open my journal to lift the words off the tear stained pages, bear with me. If you are not in a theatre company, this is just a story. If you are in a theatre company, you know literally and figuratively…the show must go on. The show is life. And if all the world’s a stage, we are currently in a tragi-comedy. Yes, comedy is included or what’s the point? Kill me already. A bit of back story to this week:
The Shakespeare Youth Festival 2020 opened last week to packed houses and raves from the crowd. We are the youngest Shakespeare troupe in the U.S. — go on, challenge it! The Players (ages 7–11) were phenomenal and fearless! The audience was crazy for us. Ironically in Comedy of Errors, at any given point, a total of 8 characters would run on, declare some news and faint to the ground, marking the funniest moments in the show. That was a week ago…when fainting was funny.
As Comedy of Errors finishes, and before the Twelfth Night cast arrives, Troilus and Cressida gathers for a rehearsal — they gear up to open in two weeks. I am losing…